Visiones de Venezuela


El fotoperiodista Gaby Oraa captura la emoción y la vida cotidiana de Venezuela de una manera que muchos de nosotros no hemos visto antes.

Recuerda su encuentro con un anciano caballero, Enrique: «Empecé a fotografiar a Enrique y un mes después murió de cáncer. La familia es tan pobre que obviamente nunca tuvieron los recursos para hacerse ningún examen médico, que ni siquiera sabían que tenía cáncer. Me mencionó la última vez que lo vi, que se sentía abandonado. Dejó a su esposa y a sus tres hijas. Una historia muy triste de un sistema de salud abandonado».

Al explicarle a CIJN por qué eligió estas imágenes como su presentación, esta fue su respuesta:

Quiero que conozcas mi enfoque en el ensayo.como algo que sentí mientras fotografiaba la vida cotidiana de la gente. Es como si todos estuvieran esperando «algo», mientras se esfuerzan por sobrevivir obviamente, pero están en una espera constante. Esperando a que Estados Unidos invada, esperando la caja de alimentos de Maduro, esperando a que la oposición haga algo, esperando a que un «líder» les diga qué hacer, esperando a un «Mesías» para mejorarlo todo, etc. Venezuela también es un país muy católico. Es la razón por la que pensé en cerrarla con la estatua de Jesús en un día dramático tormentoso. En cierto modo representa lo que los venezolanos están esperando…. un milagro… un poco triste y dramático y no tan optimista, lo sé, pero eso es Venezuela»

  • Massive protest against Pres. Nicolas Maduro. Caracas, Venezuela on February 11, 2019.
  • The Holy Socialist Trinity. A group of people wearing protective masks walk by a mural of Hugo Chavez, Simón Bolivar and Nicolas Maduro in the impoverished neighborhood of Jose Felix Ribas, in Caracas, Venezuela on March 11 2020.
  • Kids play in a pool in a settlement where more than 30 families live side by side in the impoverished neighborhood of Petare during a COVID-19 Lockdown in Caracas, Venezuela on June 30, 2020.
  • Cars in line waiting to refuel the tanks of their vehicles in Caracas, Venezuela on September 09, 2020.
  • View of Caracas from the "Petare" neighborhood. Caracas, October 10, 2019.
  • Still waiting for someone to come save us. As one woman holds a U.S. flag on her balcony, her neighbor below hung the colors for Venezuela. Both are looking down on a massive protest against Pres. Nicolas Maduro in the streets below. Caracas, Venezuela on Febuary 11, 2019.
  • People wait in line at dawn, to enter a street market during a COVID-19 lockdown in the city of Caracas on August 28 2020.
  • A man walks by a mural of deceased president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, during a Covid-19 lockdown in Caracas, Venezuela on July 15, 2020.
  • A house is covered with old posters of deceased president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, in a settlement where 45 families live side by side with no access to drinking water and extreme sanitary conditions. Caracas, Venezuela, September 14 2020.
  • A man plucks a chicken for his client in a street market during a COVID-19 lockdown in Caracas, Venezuela on June 20, 2020.
  • Yugeidys and her 8 children sleep in a crowded space they built themselves. Known as a settlement, more than 30 families live here side by side. They have no access to drinking water. Sanitary conditions are abysmal. They all suffer respiratory ailments but have no access to medicines. Caracas, Venezuela, June 30, 2020.
  • People fill plastic containers with water from a tank truck due to the lack of running water. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Venezuelans face a lack of public services, including running water. Caracas, Venezuela, September 13, 2020.
  • Always watching over us. Pedestrians make their way past the staircase of "El Calvario" (Calvary) and the haunting mosaic of deceased President Hugo Chavez' eyes. Caracas, Venezuela on July 1, 2020.
  • They go forth at dawn. A street market offers people a chance to not only shop for bargains, but to sell produce to earn money to feed their families. Fears of COVID-19 compete with the constant anxiety over their economic plight. Caracas, Venezuela on August 28 2020.
  • Men carry a coffin in the middle of a street in the neighborhood of "Ruiz Pineda." in Caracas, Venezuela.
  • A statue of Jesus is seen with a face mask amid the COVID-19 outbreak, in Caracas on August 08 2020.

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