Climate-Proofing Education: How Antigua & Barbuda is Tackling Rising Temperatures

Thousands of students who have headed back to school in Antigua and Barbuda since September, are being impacted by severe heat as global temperatures continue to rise. The heat is putting young learners in an environment that is not only uncomfortable but it affects the quality of education they receive. If they cannot stay focused, they’re not getting that information that is communicated. It affects their ability to perhaps even recall or even do the exams sufficiently because the body is already under pressure to get rid of that heat.Climatologist, Orvin Paige

Our research found that the heat is not uniformed all across Antigua and Barbuda. Orange Valley and Five Islands tend to record the highest temperatures, creating additional challenges for students in these areas, while Freetown experiences comparatively milder conditions.

Visions of Venezuela

Photojournalist Gaby Oraa captures the emotion and everyday life of Venezuela in a way we many of us have not seen before.  

She revisits her meeting with an elderly gentleman, Enrique: “ I started photographing Enrique and a month later he died of cancer. The family is so poor they obviously never had the resources to get any medical exams, they never even knew he had cancer. He did mention to me last time I saw him, that he felt abandoned. He left his wife and three daughters. Really sad story of an abandoned healthcare system.”

In explaining to CIJN why she chose these images as her submission, this was her response:

I want you to know my approach in the essay, as something I felt while I was photographing people’s everyday life.

Cómo la familia del paciente cero de Guyana fue devastada por COVID-19, Paranoia y Crimen

Escena del funeral de Ratna Baboolal

Ratna Baboolall fue el Paciente Cero de Guyana. Poco después de que la madre de cuatro hijos de 52 años muriera de Covid-19 el 11 de marzo, las autoridades descubrieron que había propagado el virus a ocho parientes, entre ellos su esposo De 59 años Ramnauth Baboolall, sus dos hijos, dos hermanas, una sobrina, su yerno y uno de sus nietas. El 7 de marzo, Baboolall y su esposo habían regresado a su Guyana natal desde Queens, Nueva York para visitar a sus hijos y otros parientes. Habían viajado en Caribbean Airlines desde el Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy a Georgetown a través del Aeropuerto Internacional Piarco en Trinidad. El día que salieron de Nueva York, donde habían vivido durante los últimos 10 años, el estado ya había registrado 89 casos de COVID-19, causando que el gobernador de Nueva York Andrew Cuomo declarara el estado de emergencia.

How The Family of Guyana’s Patient Zero Was Ravaged By COVID-19, Paranoia and Crime

The Tragedy Involving the Baboolall Family Highlights How The Corona Virus Has Disproportionately Affected Guyanese in New York—And At Home

Not long after Ratna Baboolal, a 52-year-old mother of four, died from Covid-19 on March 11, authorities discovered that she had spread the virus to eight relatives, including her 59-year-old husband Ramnauth Baboolall, her two sons, two sisters, one niece, her son-in-law and one of her granddaughters.