Did Dominica Build Back Better?

The night of September 18, 2017, forever altered the development trajectory of the Commonwealth of Dominica. Hurricane Maria’s 160 mph winds decimated the island, stripping vegetation, flattening homes, and crippling infrastructure. The devastation was catastrophic: 31 lives lost, thousands homeless, and damages amounting to USD $1.3 billion dollars – over twice the nation’s GDP. Dominica’s government, under Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, vowed to rebuild as the world’s first climate-resilient nation, creating the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD) to lead this ambitious mission. This documentary looks at the first few days of having been on the ground after Maria hit and now – seven years later – to find stories of resilience amidst ongoing challenges.

St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment

Reaching for a Higher Standard

St. Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program came later than others in the region. Initially, it operated at a deficit as the program was established. In April 2022, Prime Minister Philip Pierre hailed CBI receipts of $38M USD during his annual Budget Address.

In the face of European and US objections to the way the programs risk being used to avoid taxation, launder money or even support terrorism, St. Lucia’s former Prime Minister is urging all CBI programs to be merged under the control of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

Agents, politicians and the former head of St Lucia’s CBI Program say there is a need to improve public awareness and transparency. They contend that ordinary citizens need to understand how CBI funds benefit them in helping to offset disasters, manage debt and brace for unexpected economic shocks.

PetroCaribe Country Report: Dominica

With A Little Help From My Friends — How a Tiny Island Weathered Hurricanes and Storms of Political Controversy

In March 2015, at a PetroCaribe Summit, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reaffirmed his commitment to the 17 participating Caribbean and Latin American countries, even calling for greater socio-economic development and more integration among its members. Fast forward just three years later and the entire framework has collapsed.  

It wasn’t hard to see it coming. After riding on a crest of US$ 100+ for 4 years, oil prices would plummet in 2014 and would come to rest at US$40 two years later before recovery.  Aging infrastructure and poor management would cripple the oil output of neighboring Venezuela. Both were the very lifeblood of PetroCaribe. 

The program was designed to pump oil at market prices to Venezuela’s neighbors but with a lucrative repayment plan that empowered political leaders with social spending beyond their former means.  In return, Caracas expected it would enjoy political cover from all those sharing the riches. While PetroCaribe clung to dear life, the oil in its veins was quickly running dry.